I never planned to start a reflective life writing blog.
The thought of sharing my darkest secrets was not intentional. As a child, I learned not to tell my business in the public eye. The last thing on my mind was to be a life writer and pen my story for the world to read.
My dream was to become a website designer, and the lure of earning big bucks stimulated the desire to learn how to write coding languages, such as HTML, HTML5, and CSS.
I wanted to be a Website Designer.
Yet, God had different plans for those talents and abilities. The fruits of my labor became evident after I learned to listen to and walk in obedience to Him (Jesus Take the Wheel).
Not in writing code but in writing prose.
Learning to write was never about website design and web development or money. His plan freed me from fear, guilt, and shame.
His grace is amazing!
When did you start writing?
I began writing on Tumblr after meeting an estranged, abusive husband on a dating website. When suppressed memories of child abuse and domestic violence became triggered. And the mighty tidal wave shattered the wall surrounding my heart.
Afterward, I discovered Joe Amoia (my mentor), formerly at gpsforlove.com, now at thelovementors.com, and began listening to his relationship advice.
His quote, “Take some mirror time,” was a godsend.
It led me to reflect on past events. Teaching me the therapeutic benefits of self-reflection. This led me to write The Heart of Domestic Violence, which taught me the value of reflective writing and journaling.
When did you start blogging?
I moved from Tumblr after purchasing the website Psycho Tree.com. Then, I bought The Full Light.com after learning there was a music group and building named Psycho Tree. Imagine that!
According to the Wayback Machine, the domain started in July 2014 and was redirected to The Full Light in December 2014.
View Psycho Tree on the Wayback Machine:
I hand-coded The Full Light, my first personal blog.

I continued writing everything that came to mind. And all the painful stuff hidden beneath the surface came rushing out. Posted onto the pages of several blogs (Psycho Tree, The Full Light, Gonna Be Me, and The Lord is Calling).
View blogs on Wayback Machine;
Reflecting, it’s obvious each blog expressed the current mindset. As the mindset changed, so did the blog name. I continued moving in a new direction.
1st Blog: Psycho Tree – My Family of Nuts – the tagline was not so gracious.
2nd Blog: The Full Light – Heal in Mind, Grow in Spirit, and Live Authentically. – What I was trying to do at the time.
3rd Blog: Gonna Be Me – Not Perfect, Perfected in Christ – I wanted to be me. Read the About Me page in the archive to learn more.
4th Blog: The Lord is Calling—An Invitation, A Calling—to Walk in the Light of Christ and follow the Lord, Jesus Christ. I recognize now that it was more of a personal calling to obey the Word of God than a blog for others.
The Grace of God
By the grace of God, through writing, I understood past events and patterns of thinking, how beliefs governed behaviors and personal choices in adult life, and how the foundation for adult life became crystal clear.
God’s rescuing grace enabled me to let go of the past and grant forgiveness. Through it all, I learned that God’s grace is enough for all things. His strength becomes perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9 KJV).
God promises never to leave nor forsake you; in Him, you can win a victory over anything. Trusting in Him was the best decision ever.
My poem “Little Girl Lost” reflects His saving grace in my darkest moments of weakness.
What are you writing?
I’m currently writing a Memoir. God willing!
It’s an inspirational story about surviving child abuse and domestic violence. It’s one survivor’s journey to finding forgiveness and freedom in a loving God.
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