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Understanding Your Story

I’ve learned to understand your story; the narrative of your life requires deep self-reflection. Reflecting on times of suffering, you explore memories for answers.

As you ponder, afflictions experienced, and unacknowledged grief comes to light. The more in-depth you examine, the more you uncover and are willing to reveal, the more you understand yourself.

Deep in thought, you distinguish people who let you down or lead you astray further into darkness — those who caused you pain and the anguish you caused others.

In anger, your heart empties of words and thoughts once bottled up, and dormant emotions rage like a fire. You stop holding on and stuffing down how you feel.

Banging your fists, you shout, “I’m mad as hell at you.”

And you know what?

It’s ok!

I’ve learned you slowly release feelings of anger, abandonment, unloved, inconsolable losses, guilt, and shame. Healing emotional wounds is a slow and painful process.

Keep moving forward.

Understanding Your Story Requires Acknowledging Feelings

Understanding your story requires you to acknowledge your feelings. I learned to admit my feelings by writing them all out.

I was mad as hell at my parents several years ago. I blamed them for failing me and causing the loss of my children. My parents were supposed to love me, not cause pain and suffering, lead me astray, and abandon me.

Writing an open letter to parents, I expressed anger, sadness, and resentment as tears of grief streamed down my face. I wrote down how I felt.

Related Post: Open Letter to Parents

I kept writing.

Sharing my heart no matter what anyone said or thought.

I claimed ownership of my thoughts and feelings.

I learned to work through and release them, and over time, my heart started healing emotional wounds long forgotten — your no longer a victim of circumstances.

Related Post: Goodbye Victim Letter

Rising Above Times of Suffering and Darkness

I’ve learned you rise above times of suffering and darkness, walking by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. You grab onto the Word of God and never let go.

His divine wisdom is nourishment bringing you to life.

Reflecting, I learned God never left nor abandoned me. God is always near guiding and protecting you throughout life.

When you have suffered a little while, “God himself will complete and make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, and strengthen, and settle you.”

He knows and loves you intimately, flaws and all.

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace [Who imparts all blessing and favor], Who has called you to His [own] eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, and strengthen, and settle you. 1 Peter 5:10 Amplified Bible

God makes straight the path before you.

I discovered compassion and understanding (empathy) as a professional caregiver. God himself built a new foundation providing a new narrative for life, a testimony of faith to share.

Forgiveness for others came after the Holy Spirit cleansed my heart of iniquity. The road to understanding your story is not easy; the journey is wrought with pain and suffering.

But don’t lose hope.

You don’t need to endure the suffering and survive the adversities in life alone. God, Himself, will establish, ground, strengthen, and settle you. You are loved.

Published inLife Writing

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