No one wants you to talk about your story of abuse.
The perpetrator inflicts anguish and fears silencing you—the burdens of guilt and shame bridal at your tongue. Even family members urge, “Don’t tell anyone.”
Yet concealing the truth, the secrets of abuse hinder your personal growth and spiritual development. Your physical and mental health suffers by staying silent, and you surrender your voice, your power of choice.
You become trapped in a cycle of defeat with a victim mindset and repeat unhealthy behavior patterns. And no matter how hard you try to gain freedom and restore your life, nothing works.
You suffer until one day, the final straw moment arrives.
The final straw is the last in a series of unpleasant events that finally makes you feel that you cannot continue to accept a bad situation. Cambridge Dictionary.
I remember that day.
The burdens mounted for twenty-two years. Anger arose, and scorn warned, “You have one year to show the love and respect I deserve, or I’m leaving.”
Yet, beer bottles continue to litter the kitchen table. Feet propped on the back of the couch — the dirt on the floors and dishes in the sink accumulated. The burden of raising two children was mine to bear.
The breaking point came on a winter afternoon in 2012.
On the slippery drive home from work, I wondered, “Did he shovel?” Upon arrival, knee-deep snow covered the drive. Seething, I parked on the side of the road and started shoving.
With each scoop and toss of the shovel, backward memories resurfaced. Recollections of shoveling at three am and driving to work without touching one flake. But, not an ounce of compassion for me.
I snapped.
When you get tired of being mistreated, unloved, and living in despair without hope. You find the courage to push beyond fear and start speaking your truth, telling your story of abuse, referred to as breaking the silence.
Your memories are raw. The heartache and trauma are overwhelming to process. But when you press on, you’ll gain wisdom (insights and understanding) into dysfunctional mindsets and discover how adversity wreaks havoc in your life.
You grasp the effects of adversity to the depths of your soul.
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