Category: Abuse Prevention

Learn about the underlying (root) causes of childhood adversity, sexual abuse, and domestic violence to identify behavior patterns and prevent violence.

  • Giveaway to Celebrate Domestic Violence Awareness

    This giveaway ended on October 30th, 2021.

    You survived Domestic Violence. Now it’s time to rejoice. To celebrate National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Abuse Journal has a giveaway with gifts (Journals, Pens, and Visa Gift Cards) for survivors. 

    To celebrate your strength to leave and the courage to share your story and support you on your journey to overcoming the mental and emotional anguish abuse leaves behind. 

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  • Open Letter to Police Officers in America

    I can’t imagine you thought being a police officer in America would come at such a price. The level of hatred and disregard for your profession is growing, and the driving force is fear. 

    Many cannot comprehend the reality of the world’s condition and the level of abuse and violence across the globe. We live in troublesome times. Endtime Ministries declare it the end of the age with Bible Prophecy.

    I believe them. 

    Society forgets the good you do amid the pain and sorrow. Lashing out in grief, many overlook your dedication to seeking justice for victims of violent crimes. 

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  • The Reasons Behind and Effects of Child Sexual Abuse

    Revised on November 24, 2024

    Pope Francis shared 21 Reflection Points at yesterday’s “Protection of Minors in the Church” meeting in the Vatican. Number 9 on increasing awareness of the causes and consequences of sexual abuse grabbed my attention.

    Reflection Point # 9: Increase awareness of the causes and consequences of sexual abuse through ongoing formation initiatives of Bishops, Religious Superiors, clerics and pastoral workers.

    I thought, yes, society needs to “increase awareness of the causes and consequences of sexual abuse” and all other forms of abuse.

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