Author: L.M. Carleton

  • Why Did You Start a Reflective Life Writing a Blog

    I never planned to start a reflective life writing blog.

    The thought of sharing my darkest secrets was not intentional. As a child, I learned not to tell my business in the public eye. The last thing on my mind was to be a life writer and pen my story for the world to read.

    My dream was to become a website designer, and the lure of earning big bucks stimulated the desire to learn how to write coding languages, such as HTML, HTML5, and CSS.

    I wanted to be a Website Designer.

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  • Hope for a Better Life

    When you live in an abusive situation, hope for a better life becomes diminished by anxiety. And the mental stress confuses and depresses your mind.

    Suffering from abuse, you lose your sense of direction and devalue and stop loving yourself. Plagued by fear, you carry heavy burdens to where strength is non-existent.

    And you face two options: flee the oppression and hope you make it out alive or continue living a depressed and miserable life.

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  • Gain The Courage To Talk About Your Abuse Story

    No one wants you to talk about your story of abuse.

    The perpetrator inflicts anguish and fears silencing you—the burdens of guilt and shame bridal at your tongue. Even family members urge, “Don’t tell anyone.”

    Yet concealing the truth, the secrets of abuse hinder your personal growth and spiritual development. Your physical and mental health suffers by staying silent, and you surrender your voice, your power of choice.

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