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Tag: Domestic Violence

Giveaway to Celebrate Domestic Violence Awareness

You survived Domestic Violence. Now it’s time to rejoice. To celebrate National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Abuse Journal has a giveaway with gifts (Journals, Pens, and Visa Gift Cards) for survivors. 

To celebrate your strength to leave and the courage to share your story and support you on your journey to overcoming the mental and emotional anguish abuse leaves behind. 

5 Ways to Prevent a Toxic Relationship with Drama

What is a toxic relationship with drama? 

Toxic relationships develop when one or both people are mentally unhealthy and emotionally unstable. 

When a relationship starts on shaky ground, the toxicity identified by excessive drama increases unhealthy behavior patterns (passive aggression, manipulation, jealousy, etc.). 

These harmful behaviors create a toxic situation with emotional highs and heartfelt lows. As the anxiety builds, you feel extreme love and hate and express deep sorrow and forgiveness.