Author: L.M. Carleton

  • When You Find Love a Poem

    When You Find Love is a Poem by L.M. Carleton.

    When you find love,
    you’ve changed toxic behaviors.

    When you find love,
    you’ve overcome emotional anguish.

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  • 5 Ways to Prevent a Toxic Relationship with Drama

    What is a toxic relationship with drama? 

    Toxic relationships develop when one or both people are mentally unhealthy and emotionally unstable. 

    When a relationship starts on shaky ground, the toxicity identified by excessive drama increases unhealthy behavior patterns (passive aggression, manipulation, jealousy, etc.). 

    These harmful behaviors create a toxic situation with emotional highs and heartfelt lows. As the anxiety builds, you feel extreme love and hate and express deep sorrow and forgiveness. 

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  • It’s the Only Book that Will Save Your Life

    Upstate, New York. Mid 1980’s.

    My father always had a way with words, and one day, in a moment of anger, his advice planted the healing seeds of faith. It happened after my husband destroyed all our wedding presents, except an elegant family Bible, in a fit of rage.

    Several months later, he made me ask my father to purchase the Bible for drug money. I walked up the steps to his small apartment, knocked once, and opened the door. Stepping into the kitchen, I notice him sitting on the side of the bed in the next room.

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