Open Letter to Parents

I wrote this sincere “Open Letter to Parents” back in 2014. I was putting the broken pieces (called life) back together at the time. I was healing emotionally from child abuse and domestic violence and spiritually from years of living in darkness with fear.

Dear Parents,

I’m mad as Hell at you!

The life you prepared me for was filled with turmoil, anguish, and pain.

It sucked!

You failed to do your Job as a parent. And I paid the price for your lack of good parenting skills.

Parents are 90% responsible for shaping their children’s future. Children are responsible for the other 10%. , which consists of trusting and obeying their parents.

Growing up, the environment you provided for me was full of turmoil, anguish, and pain. The dysfunctional behavior that occurred in our home should never have happened. The abuse and neglect should not have been tolerated or occurred in our home.

You set me up for failure.

I’m mad as Hell!

I listened to, trusted, and obeyed you. I depended on you for help and support. I suffered from domestic abuse and lost Children due to physical and mental abuse.

I asked you for help.

You let me down!

I had no sense of direction and continuously made unhealthy choices in life.

I was alive but didn’t know how to live a practical adult life.

That was your Job!

Parents Responsibility

Parenting is not a responsibility to take lightly.

You didn’t seem to get that message. God trusted you with me, and you let him down, too. Being a responsible parent requires more of you than providing food, shelter, clothing, and entertainment.

It’s about training and guiding children in the right direction, preparing them for success. Being a responsible parent requires you to help and support your children mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

It’s about valuing a child’s learning as an exceptional value. You shape their future, which God has entrusted to you.

Time for a New Parent

I’m now 48 years old and slowly putting the broken pieces (called life) back together.

I thank you for teaching me to be strong-willed.

It has given me the strength to fight!

It’s given me the ability to push past the boundaries of dysfunction and rise above the chaos. By God’s grace, I broke the chains of Sin that have plagued our family for years.

I found a new parent to trust and obey. He has never left nor forsaken me. He prepares the path set before me and guides the way. I, at this moment, relieve you of your parental duties.

I’m going back to my Creator and heavenly Father. God!

 Author’s Note

I republish this letter since I said Goodbye to the victim’s identity and story that kept me downtrodden.

Read the Goodbye Victim Letter


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