Category: Abuse Prevention

Learn about the underlying (root) causes of childhood adversity, sexual abuse, and domestic violence to identify behavior patterns and prevent violence.

  • The Truth About Why Abuse Happens

    Revised on November 24, 2024

    You can grasp the truth about why abuse happens to overcome the torment or remain trapped in darkness with fear. – Abuse scars a victim’s heart and oppresses the mind. Downtrodden in spirit, victims have difficulty letting go of the story.

    The story of abuse becomes a record, playing over and over again in the recesses of the mind. Victims recount what happened and hold onto the pain and suffering caused by others.

    Victims remain trapped in darkness long after the affliction has ended.   

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  • How to Free the Skeletons in Your Closet

    Everyone has done or suffered through situations they are ashamed of and keep a secret. Almost everybody has skeletons in their closet.

    I hid painful secrets or skeletons deep inside for years. In a private place, no one was allowed to know about or enter for fear of exposure.

    I call this private place the Skeleton Closet.

    I was hiding secrets and living in fear and shame

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  • What Drives People To Commit Mass Shootings?

    Revised on November 25, 2024

    The United States is experiencing a severe problem with mass shootings and violence.

    The recent mass shootings and Bazaar news story of two schoolgirls in Florida who wanted to murder classmates, drink their blood, and kill themselves to be with Satan bring this epidemic to light.

    They raise a critical question: What drives people to commit mass shootings?

    Individuals from various backgrounds are looking for the main reasons behind abuse and violence, as well as solutions to stop it.

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