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Proclaim the Grace of God

To proclaim the grace of God and the good things God has done for you is a privilege. However, the devil wants to make sure you don’t proclaim the grace God.

The devil will give you busy work that doesn’t;

  • Proclaim the grace of God
  • Tell others about Jesus Christ
  • Share God’s saving grace
  • Share your testimony of faith
  • Allow you to spend time alone with God

This busy work will distract you from proclaiming the grace of God.

The devil is a liar and a master at manipulation. The devil will lie to you and attempt to manipulate your testimony of God’s saving grace. The devil will use any trick he can to keep you from proclaiming the grace of God.

I’ve become wise to his manipulative tricks and they are not working anymore.

Busy Work

The devil kept me busy designing website templates and reading web design newsletters. This busy work distracted me from spending time alone with God.

It was wasting the creative talents God had given me.

I didn’t share my testimony of faith with others or proclaim the grace of God. Instead, I wasted time creating website templates, building a portfolio and reading web design newsletters.

All of this busy work was distracting me from proclaiming the grace of God.

Yesterday, I deleted everything for good!

I deleted my portfolio website and all of the social media pages and unsubscribed to the web design newsletters. I put all of the web design folders on my computer in the Recycle Bin and click Empty Recycle Bin.

Yes, that was difficult!

After spending ten plus years designing.

No glory for God’s grace, though!

Recycle Bin and click Empty Recycle Bin.

I put an end to the busy work that kept distracting me once and for all!

The Devil’s Lie

The devil whispers lie’s, and we believe him.

Believing my testimony of faith was that of a victim of abuse and dysfunction. I was ashamed of being a bad mother who abandoned her children. And continued sharing the pain and sufferings of being lost in the darkness.

No glory to God for His grace!

My friend Bob Sherbondy, a retired minister, continued to encourage me to proclaim the grace of God.

How could I proclaim the grace of God, I was a bad mother who abandoned her children?

The devil’s lie “you’re a bad mother who abandoned her children” was the “BIG LIE” that prevented me from boldly proclaiming the grace of God.

Proclaim the Grace of God

The grace of God changed me.

The grace of God gave me the ability to;

  • raise two other children successfully
  • care for the elderly and developmentally disabled for over twenty years
  • have forgiveness for an abusive husband and parents actions

In spite of the fact I was a victim of child abuse, and endured domestic violence and lost two children.

To boldly proclaim the grace of God, you must shine the light of truth on the devil’s lie “you’re a bad mother who abandoned her children.”

You must live in the truth knowing you;

  • tried to be the best mother I could given the circumstances
  • didn’t willingly abandon my children
  • lost my children before I ran in fear of my life
  • did all I could do to keep them and for them to be safe from harm
  • God knows the truth and how hard I tried to win the battle
  • God knows that I am a good mother

To boldly proclaim the grace of God, I must tell others of the glorious things God has done for me. My next task is to write a post to proclaim the transforming grace of God.

Stay Tuned!

It’s going to be glorious.

Published inSpiritual Growth

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