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Abuse Journal Posts

How to Stop Living in Fear

Do you want to stop living in fear?

Fear is a powerful emotion, a gripping feeling of anxiousness or apprehension about a situation or event. It’s an emotional reaction to pain or danger and the results of sin.

Living in fear; abuse victims are paralyzed and trapped in hopeless relationships. The desire to fight or flee diminishes as feelings of fear grip their mind. Many don’t know how to stop living in fear.

You can stop living in fear by conquering it head on through faith.

Saying Goodbye to the Abuse Victim Identity

Saying goodbye in an open letter using self-reflective writing helps you acknowledge the ill-treatment endured, process the consequences, and free yourself of the abuse victim’s identity. This is my open goodbye letter.

Dear Abuse Victim,

Unfortunately, you suffered ill-treatment as a child and grew up in a dysfunctional family without the parental and spiritual guidance to live an abundant life.

The father who was supposed to provide and protect violated you, and the mother who was supposed to nurture and love neglected you.