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How God Heals a Broken Heart

If all hope seems lost, fear not, “God heals a broken heart, and bindeth up wounds.” He will assist you, call out to him by faith, and He will do incredible things for you too.

He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. Psalm 147:3 KJV

Healing a Broken Heart

I’ve had my heart broken many times, so often, in fact, I expected to suffer a broken heart again. It was just a matter of time.

Having experienced abuse and deep hurt, I shoved feelings of grief and anguish down deep inside. My heart was utterly broken and became numb to feeling anything.

After three and one-half years in an abusive relationship, I ran in fear, reaching the battered women’s shelter in an oppressed state of health. Within a few months time, I moved in with another man and became pregnant with our son, Nathan.

I chose the name “Nathan” because it means he gave. I believe Nathan was a gift from God to help “heal a broken heart.”

One year later, we boarded a plane heading for San Francisco California. We were in search of a better life. At the time, I didn’t know God was waiting to grant me an abundant life.

One evening, we went to a city mission to receive a meal. On that night, I chose to walk forward and accept Jesus as my savior.

The Journey to Heal a Broken Heart

The journey to healing my broken heart began. The next day everything outside seemed different. It was as though my eyes were seeing the world for the first time. I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and a calm peace inside.

Several months later, I started learning the Word of God at a Salvation Army Church. Our son, Nathan was almost two years old at the time. And it was vital to teach Nathan the proper way to live by the Word of God.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:12 KJV

Years later, he attended Boy Scouts every week so he would have good male role models to follow. I wanted Nathan to have a better life.

When Nathan was ten years old, we moved to Virginia. I wasn’t crazy about living in another state again. Had expressed thoughts about residing in Virginia Beach since it was a tourist area, and would be difficult to gain employment.

The Six-Month Trip to Virginia Turned into a Nightmare

We lived in an apartment two blocks from the beach. And finding work as a Certified Nurse Assistant was impossible because my certification and references were from New York. To earn money, I got a Chamber Maid job at the Motel next door.

I became angry at Nathan’s father for bringing us to Virginia Beach. He didn’t listen to or honor my assessment of the situation. Acting in anger, I stayed out all night drinking with another man.

I didn’t even think twice about my actions.

To make the situation worse, Nathan’s dad took him to the beach without sunscreen. He got second-degree sunburn all over his back and arms.

Furious, I took Nathan and moved into the Motel. And we went back to New York a short time later. Nathan’s dad stayed in Virginia for a month before returning to New York. Three months later, I realized acting out of anger has dire consequences.

I was pregnant!

Nine months later Faith was born. Choosing the name “Faith” was a constant reminder to never to lose faith in the Lord. I couldn’t forget to have faith if I always had to say the word.

I acted in a moment of anger, rather than trusting the Lord to provide for us and make a way when there was no way. However, Faith was a blessing to me and in the lives of everyone she befriends. And like her brother, I wanted Faith to have a better life.

I diligently taught her the Word of God growing up. Bringing Faith up to becoming a young woman was a delight. Throughout the years she brought joy and laughter into my life. Faith has also helped me over the years by being honest.

How God Heals a Broken Heart

Faith is smart, kind, loving, honest and straightforward with others. Faith graduated High School with an Advanced Regents Diploma and with High Honors. She was awarded two College scholarships for four years. She is attending College to study for a degree in Computer Science.

Her brother Nathan is a kind, thoughtful, honest and loving young man. Bringing him to Boy Scouts did pay off in the end. Nathan graduated from College with a degree in Environmental Science.

The road to raising them wasn’t always easy. I praise the Lord for giving me the strength and ability to help them grow into adults. I couldn’t be a good mother without the Lord’s blessings and continuous healing of a broken heart.

God heals a broken heart by binding up the old wounds and blessing you. Although they will never replace my first loved children, God blessed me with two more children, Nathan and Faith. He heals a broken heart by giving you an abundant life in Christ.

The LORD [is] nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Psalm 34:18 KJV

Again, if all hope seems lost, fear not, “God heals a broken heart, and bindeth up wounds.” He will assist you, call out to him by faith, and He will do incredible things for you too.

Published inSpiritual Growth


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