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Category: Abuse Prevention

Learn about the underlying (root) causes of childhood adversity, sexual abuse, and domestic violence to identify behavior patterns and prevent violence.

The Child Sexual Abuse Scandal

You should never write an open letter when you are angry. I’ll make an exception this time. – I’m mad about the so-called child sexual abuse scandal and the Catholic Church.

To call it a scandal is to imply gossip, shame, and, disgrace. The wounds are profoundly deeper than personal feelings or hurt pride.

The Roots for child sexual abuse go back a long way — the problem roots in deception and fulfilling the sinful desires of the flesh.

Why Abuse Happens

You can grasp why abuse happens to overcome the torment or remain trapped in darkness with fear. – Abuse scars a victim’s heart and oppresses the mind. Downtrodden in spirit, victims have a difficult time letting go of the story.

The story of abuse becomes a record, playing over and over again in the recesses of the mind. Victim’s recount what happened, and hold onto the pain and suffering caused by others.

Victims remain trapped in darkness long after the affliction has ended.