Author: L.M. Carleton

  • How to Be An Authentic Person

    To be authentic, you must love yourself unconditionally and without wavering. You must accept who you are, flaws and all. You must be sincere and remain true to your inner self.

    An authentic person will reflect a sound moral character and values outward towards others—they are open-minded, deep thinkers who are not afraid of being vulnerable.

    To be authentic, you must face your inner doubts and fears, accept your inabilities, overcome the mental limitations you set in your mind, and admit your inadequacies and weaknesses.

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  • 10 Reasons Why Relationships Fail

    Have you ever been in a relationship that ended in heartbreak? If so, did you take time afterward to reflect on “why relationships fail?”

    I’m talking about digging deep inside all the uncomfortable moments—all those moments of feeling unloved, lonely, frustrated, and heartbroken.

    To move forward, reflect on and acknowledge “WHY” the relationship didn’t work. If you skip this step in the healing process, your next relationship “WILL” end in disaster, too.

    How Do I Know?

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  • 3 Ways to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Restore Your Life

    Leaving your comfort zone is the pathway to a better life. It challenges you to break past the boundaries of fear and gain the courage to seek a better life. 

    Living in an abusive marriage and an unhealthy relationship caused fear, anxiety, and emotional distress. Over time, I became trapped inside my comfort zone and stuck in a rut.

    The feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, skepticism, and pessimism were overpowering. Living in despair with no hope for a better life was disastrous.

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