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Month: December 2018

What is Forgiveness?

Forgiveness for those who have wronged you in the past is essential to your emotional, physical and spiritual well-being and allows you to move forward in life.

I forgive you; it is easy to say, but immensely harder to do. – To stop blaming and grant forgiveness. – To let go of anger, bitterness, and grudges.

Many times, problems originating in the past “unknowingly” force their way into current situations. And unresolved issues reinforce dormant wounds and the need to blame others and not grant forgiveness.

Helpful Ways to Overcome Forgiveness And Reconciliation

As flawed humans, we tend to avoid forgiveness and reconciliation like the plague. We are reluctant to forgive offenders of wrongdoing. And fearful to admit a bad mistake, poor decisions, and judgment.

Mainly when your choices cause others pain and anguish.

Their judgment can be harsh and opinions downright demoralizing. Their reaction can lower your spirits and leave you in a more downtrodden and oppressed state.