Category: Life Writing

Learn about writing real-life experiences in a journal, memoir, or blog to reflect on past experiences and overcome the fear of telling your abuse story.

  • What Kind of a Mom Were You?

    A unique blog post for my daughter Breyann to answer her question, “What kind of a mom were you?”

    My heart broke into a million pieces after losing you and scattered on the ground. I became numb to feeling anything for a long time. Suffering from abuse and domestic violence prevented me from bonding with you and your brother.

    I lost custody of you and your brother and ran in fear for my life.

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  • How I Escaped an Abusive Relationship for Good

    This is a true story of how I escaped an abusive relationship for good.

    I was in my early twenties, and we were always on the run, moving from place to place. Like clockwork, I would find a new apartment every few months, and my husband would get us thrown out.

    He was addicted to Marijuana and spent what little money we had to purchase drugs. He claimed Marijuana calmed his nerves, and when he didn’t have any, he became enraged. The slightest thing made him angry, and I was always the target for releasing his inner rage.

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